new tlc lincese

NY: Taxi & Limousine Commission to Issue New Design Taxi Driver License

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) announced in its newsletter that Starting May 18, 2020, it will issue a new design for TLC driver’s licenses. This change It is done to streamline the driver license renewal and application processes, allowing TLC to reduce the time it takes to print and mail a TLC license. In principle, only New York State drivers will be licensed with the new design when their current license expires.

The current TLC driver’s license is still valid. The New York State licensed drivers with current design They will receive a license with the new design when they renew their license. TLC will continue to issue licenses in the current format to non-New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) license holders until further notice.
For more information on the new driver’s license from the TLC, visit the website

Posted in TaxiSocial News.