The New TLC Rules for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles Eliminate Retirement Dates and Implement Accessibility Standards for FHVs

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has announced new rules that will eliminate the vehicle retirement dates for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) effective from 7/20/24. This is a major development for the medallion industry and passengers in need of accessible service. The new rules mean that medallion owners can operate their WAVs for longer periods of time without having to purchase a new vehicle, as long as the vehicle continues to pass its scheduled TLC inspections. This will be a significant cost-saving measure for the medallion industry and a victory for the riding public in terms of increased WAV accessibility.

In addition to the elimination of vehicle retirement dates, the new rules also implement new accessibility standards for For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs). FHVs will now be subject to the same accessibility standards as those of accessible medallion vehicles. As of 7/20/24, any new FHV accessible vehicles must be on the approved vehicle list, which is available on the TLC’s website. The new accessibility standards will ensure that all passengers, regardless of their mobility needs, have equal access to transportation services.

Overall, the new TLC rules are a positive step towards improving accessibility and reducing costs for the medallion industry. The elimination of vehicle retirement dates for WAVs and the implementation of new accessibility standards for FHVs will benefit both passengers and medallion owners alike.

Overview of New TLC Rules

Elimination of Vehicle Retirement Dates for WAVs

The new TLC rules, effective from July 20, 2024, eliminate the vehicle retirement dates for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs). This means that medallion owners can now operate their WAVs for longer periods of time without having to purchase a new vehicle, as long as the vehicle passes its scheduled TLC inspections. This is a significant change that marks a new era for the medallion industry and passengers requiring accessible service.

Impact on Medallion Industry

The elimination of vehicle retirement dates for WAVs has a significant impact on the medallion industry. Medallion owners can now save money on vehicle-related costs, reducing the financial burden on their businesses. This change will also increase the lifespan of WAVs, which will help medallion owners to provide accessible service to passengers for a longer period of time.

Benefits for Passengers Requiring Accessible Service

The elimination of vehicle retirement dates for WAVs is a victory for passengers requiring accessible service. This change increases the availability of WAVs, making it easier for passengers to access accessible service when they need it. The new rules also implement new accessibility standards for For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs), subjecting them to the same accessibility standards as those of accessible medallion vehicles. Any new FHV accessible vehicles must be on the approved vehicle list, which is available on the TLC’s website.

Overall, the new TLC rules represent a significant change for the medallion industry and passengers requiring accessible service. The elimination of vehicle retirement dates for WAVs and the implementation of new accessibility standards for FHVs will increase the availability of accessible service, reduce the financial burden on medallion owners, and increase the lifespan of WAVs.

Operational Changes for WAVs

Extended Operation of WAVs

With the new TLC rules eliminating the vehicle retirement dates for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs), medallion owners will have the ability to operate their WAVs for longer periods of time without having to purchase a new vehicle, as long as the vehicle continues to pass its scheduled TLC inspections. This change is expected to bring a significant reduction in vehicle-related costs for medallion owners.

The extended operation of WAVs will also increase the availability of accessible service for passengers with disabilities. With the increased lifespan of WAVs, the riding public can expect to see more accessible vehicles on the road, providing much-needed transportation options for those who require them.

Scheduled TLC Inspections Compliance

Under the new TLC rules, medallion owners must ensure that their WAVs comply with the scheduled TLC inspections. The inspections will include checks on the vehicle’s mechanical condition, safety features, and accessibility features.

Medallion owners must also ensure that their WAVs are kept clean and in good working condition. Failure to comply with the scheduled TLC inspections may result in penalties, fines, or suspension of the medallion.

In summary, the new TLC rules eliminating the vehicle retirement dates for WAVs will bring significant operational changes for medallion owners. The extended lifespan of WAVs will increase the availability of accessible service for passengers with disabilities, while compliance with scheduled TLC inspections will ensure that the vehicles remain safe and accessible for all riders.

Accessibility Standards for FHVs

New Accessibility Requirements

As of 7/20/24, For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs) are now subject to the same accessibility standards as those of accessible medallion vehicles. FHVs must be equipped with a wheelchair accessible ramp or lift, and must meet the following requirements:

  • The interior of the vehicle must have sufficient space to accommodate a passenger in a wheelchair.
  • The vehicle must have securement devices to secure the wheelchair in place.
  • The vehicle must have sufficient headroom to accommodate a passenger in a wheelchair.
  • The vehicle must have a means of communication between the driver and passenger, such as an intercom or other device.
  • These new accessibility requirements will ensure that passengers with disabilities have equal access to for-hire transportation services.

Approved Vehicle List for FHVs

As of 7/20/24, any new FHV accessible vehicles must be on the approved vehicle list, which is available on the TLC’s website. This list includes vehicles that have been tested and approved by the TLC for compliance with the new accessibility requirements.

Medallion owners and FHV bases should consult the approved vehicle list before purchasing a new accessible vehicle to ensure that the vehicle meets the new accessibility standards. Vehicles that are not on the approved vehicle list may not be used as accessible FHVs.

By implementing these new accessibility standards and an approved vehicle list for FHVs, the TLC is taking steps to ensure that passengers with disabilities have equal access to for-hire transportation services.

Kathy Hockul

Political Motives Behind Governor Hochul’s Decision to Halt Congestion Pricing

Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent decision to indefinitely pause congestion pricing in New York City has sparked a flurry of debate and speculation. Congestion pricing, designed to reduce traffic in Manhattan’s busiest areas by charging drivers a fee, has been hailed as a progressive step towards addressing urban congestion and environmental concerns. However, the abrupt halt raises questions about the political motivations underlying this decision, especially with elections just four months away.

The Background of Congestion Pricing

Congestion pricing was set to be a groundbreaking policy aimed at mitigating the severe traffic issues plaguing Manhattan. The plan, initially approved by the state legislature in 2019, intended to charge drivers entering the busiest parts of Manhattan during peak hours. The revenue generated would fund much-needed improvements to the city’s public transportation system, promising a win-win scenario for both environmental sustainability and urban mobility.

Governor Hochul’s Decision

Governor Hochul’s announcement to pause the implementation of congestion pricing indefinitely came as a surprise to many. Officially, the reason given for the delay was to allow for further studies and public consultations to address concerns from various stakeholders, including businesses, residents, and commuters. However, critics argue that this decision is heavily influenced by political considerations, particularly in the context of the upcoming elections.

Political Considerations

  1. Electoral Calculations**: With elections just four months away, Governor Hochul may be wary of alienating suburban and outer-borough voters who drive into Manhattan and view congestion pricing as a financial burden. By pausing the plan, she potentially avoids backlash from this significant voter base, which could affect the election outcome.
  2. Pressure from Interest Groups**: Various interest groups, including business associations and transportation unions, have voiced strong opposition to congestion pricing. These groups are influential and have the power to sway public opinion and campaign contributions. Governor Hochul’s decision may reflect a strategic move to maintain support from these powerful entities during the election period.
  3. Economic Concerns**: The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been profound, particularly on small businesses in New York City. Pausing congestion pricing can be seen as an effort to support these businesses as they recover from the economic downturn, aligning with a broader political narrative of economic revitalization that could be advantageous in the upcoming elections.
  4. Intra-Party Dynamics**: Within the Democratic Party, there are divergent views on congestion pricing. By halting the plan, Governor Hochul might be attempting to navigate these internal dynamics, balancing the progressive wing’s environmental priorities with the moderates’ economic concerns. This balancing act is crucial as the election approaches.

Reactions and Implications

The decision has elicited mixed reactions. Environmental advocates and urban planners, who have long championed congestion pricing as a necessary step for sustainable urban living, expressed disappointment. They argue that further delays hinder progress on climate goals and urban mobility improvements.

Conversely, some business leaders and suburban representatives have welcomed the pause, viewing it as a necessary step to address their constituents’ concerns. They argue that a more thorough examination of the plan’s implications is needed to ensure it does not unduly burden certain groups.

 Future Prospects

The future of congestion pricing in New York City remains uncertain. Governor Hochul has emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach that balances various stakeholders’ interests. While the pause may be politically motivated, it also presents an opportunity for a more inclusive and well-considered implementation plan. However, the timing of the decision so close to the elections suggests that political strategy is playing a significant role.


Governor Kathy Hochul’s decision to halt congestion pricing in New York City appears to be influenced by a complex web of political considerations, especially with elections on the horizon. Balancing electoral prospects, pressure from influential groups, economic concerns, and intra-party dynamics, the move underscores the intricate interplay between policy-making and politics. As the debate continues, the challenge will be to reconcile these political motives with the pressing need for sustainable urban solutions, all while considering the potential impact on the upcoming elections.

Navigating NYC’s Streets: The Central Business District Tolling Program Unveiled

New York City, known for its bustling streets, iconic yellow taxis, and towering skyscrapers, is about to embark on a groundbreaking transportation initiative—the Central Business District (CBD) Tolling Program. Starting June 30, 2024, this program aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents and visitors.

The CBD Tolling Program, also known as congestion pricing, will introduce tolls for vehicles entering or remaining within the Congestion Relief Zone—a designated area encompassing local streets and avenues at or below 60th Street in Manhattan. The goal? To discourage unnecessary vehicle trips and create a more efficient urban environment.

1. Toll Collection:

• Vehicles entering the Congestion Relief Zone will be charged a toll.
• The toll amount varies based on factors such as vehicle type, time of day, and crossing credits (more on that later).
• E-ZPass users will have tolls deducted automatically, while others will receive Tolls by Mail bills.

2. Vehicle Types and Rates:
• Passenger and Small Commercial Vehicles:
• Peak Period (high congestion): $15
• Overnight Period (low congestion): $3.75
• Motorcycles:
7.50 (𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘) 𝑎𝑛𝑑
1.75 (overnight)
• Trucks and Buses:
• Peak Period:
24 𝑜𝑟
36 (depending on size and function)
• Overnight Period:
6 𝑜𝑟
• Taxis and For-Hire Vehicles:
• Per-trip tolls for passengers: App-based for-hire vehicles (
2.50) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠/𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑠/𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 (

3. Crossing Credits:

• Vehicles using E-ZPass and entering via tolled entries (e.g., Lincoln Tunnel) receive credits.
• Passenger vehicles: Up to $5 credit
• Motorcycles: Up to $2.50 credit
• Small trucks and charter buses: Up to $12 credit
• Large trucks and tour buses: Up to $20 credit
4. Discounts and Exemptions:
• Low-income drivers can access discount plans.
• Exemptions apply to individuals with disabilities, emergency vehicles, buses, and government-owned specialized vehicles.

1. Reduced Congestion:
• By discouraging unnecessary trips, the CBD Tolling Program aims to reduce traffic congestion in Manhattan’s core.
• Imagine smoother-flowing streets and shorter commute times!
2. Cleaner Air:
• Fewer idling vehicles mean improved air quality.
• Healthier lungs for all New Yorkers!

3. Funding Transit Improvements:

• Revenue generated from tolls will fund public transit enhancements.
• Better subways, buses, and infrastructure for everyone.

As the CBD Tolling Program approaches, familiarize yourself with the rules, explore E-ZPass options, and plan your routes. Whether you’re a daily commuter, a tourist, or a curious observer, this program will reshape how we move through the city that never sleeps.
Remember, it’s not just about paying tolls—it’s about creating a more vibrant, accessible, and sustainable New York City. Buckle up, fellow travelers, and let’s navigate these streets together! 🚗🌆
Disclaimer: This article is purely fictional and created for illustrative purposes. The CBD Tolling Program details are based on the information provided in the user’s message. 😊🗽

Judge Strikes Down TLC’s Proposed Pay Increase for High-Volume For-Hire Services Drivers

In an effort to protect the rights of drivers, the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) approved changes to its driver pay rules on November 15, 2022, raising the minimum rates of pay for drivers working for High-Volume For-Hire Services. The increased minimum pay rates were scheduled to take effect on December 19, 2022.

However, on January 6, 2023, a judge struck down TLC’s proposed pay rate increase for drivers of High-Volume For-Hire Services (Lyft and Uber), as a result of legal action initiated by Uber. This means that the current minimum pay rates, available on TLC’s website, will remain in effect until further notice.

TLC firmly believes that drivers should be paid fairly for their work and is carefully reviewing the judge’s written decision. The agency will continue to do what is within its legal authority to protect this important pay standard. Despite this setback, TLC remains committed to ensuring that drivers are treated fairly and will take all necessary steps to achieve this goal.

This decision highlights the ongoing struggle for fair pay and working conditions for drivers of high-volume for-hire services such as Uber and Lyft. It also raises questions about the role of the TLC in regulating the pay and working conditions of these drivers. The agency will continue to review the situation and take action as appropriate.

In the meantime, drivers are advised to check the TLC website for updates on the minimum pay rates and any other relevant information. The TLC encourages drivers to contact them with any questions or concerns about their pay and working conditions.

It’s important to note that this court ruling might only affect New York City and not in the whole country. However, it brings attention to the ongoing struggle for fair pay and working conditions for drivers of high-volume for-hire services such as Uber and Lyft.

The Risks and Consequences of Obscuring License Plate Numbers in New York

It is not uncommon for people to obscure their license plate numbers in order to protect their privacy or avoid being tracked by law enforcement or other parties. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as using a license plate cover, a frame that covers part of the plate, or even spray-painting the plate.

However, it is important to note that obscuring a license plate is generally not legal in most states, including New York. This is because the license plate must be clearly visible at all times in order to facilitate the identification of vehicles for law enforcement and other purposes. Obscuring a license plate can result in fines and other legal consequences, and in some cases, the police may even impound the vehicle if the license plate is not visible.

Despite these risks, some people continue to obscure their license plate numbers in order to protect their privacy or avoid being tracked. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of obscuring a license plate before taking this action. If you are considering obscuring your license plate, it is a good idea to check with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to understand the specific laws and regulations in your area.

In the state of New York, it is generally not legal to obscure or cover up any part of a license plate, including the numbers and letters, with any material that makes it difficult to read the plate. This includes using a license plate cover, a frame that covers part of the plate, or any other material that obstructs the view of the plate.

The license plate must be clearly visible at all times and must be kept clean and legible. It must be displayed on the front and back of the vehicle and must be issued by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

There may be some exceptions to this rule for certain types of vehicles, such as historical vehicles or vehicles that are used in parades or other special events. In these cases, a temporary cover or frame may be allowed, as long as it does not obstruct the view of the plate. However, it is important to check with the DMV before using any type of cover or frame on a license plate in New York.

Obscuring a license plate can have serious consequences, including fines and points on your driver’s license. If you are caught obscuring a license plate, you may be ticketed and required to pay a fine. In some cases, the police may even impound your vehicle if the license plate is not visible.

“MTA and law enforcement agencies announced Friday, May 20, 2022, that they are cracking down on motorists who use fake, obscured, or covered license plates to avoid paying tolls.

The collaborative effort aims to combat deliberate attempts to prevent tolling cameras from identifying license plates through increased enforcement and by sharing information and best practices to identify bad actors on the road.

The coordinated law enforcement effort aims to not only crack down on the evasion of tolls through forged or obstructed license plates but to curtail motorists who use similar deceptive tactics to hide more serious crimes and to evade speed and red-light cameras across the region.”

It is important to follow the laws regarding license plates in New York to avoid any legal issues. If you have any questions about the legality of a license plate in New York, it is a good idea to contact the DMV for more information. A more detailed article regarding to penalties and cost to the drivers incurring in this practice is here.


Even the chair of New York City’s transportation committee took her part on Reckless driving affecting New York City after covid pandemic

There has been a noticeable increase in reckless driving on the streets since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people seem to have lost their respect for traffic laws, with some disregarding stop signs and red lights. Even the car belonging to Selvena Brooks-Powers, the chair of New York City’s transportation committee, has received multiple tickets for speeding in school zones. Since taking office in March 2021, the car has received a total of 34 tickets and has been linked to over $2,000 in fines and penalties. The owner of the car may be required to take a driver safety course or risk having their wheels impounded. It is unclear how often Brooks-Powers herself drives the car.

The car belonging to Selvena Brooks-Powers, the chair of New York City’s transportation committee, has received a significant number of speeding tickets. This has triggered the Dangerous Vehicle Abatement law, which was implemented in 2020. According to this law, the owners of cars with more than 15 speed camera violations or 5 red light camera violations within any 12-month period are required to take a safety course. If the owner does not complete the safety course within 30 days of receiving a notice, the car will be seized by the city sheriff’s office.

It is unclear if the owner of Brooks-Powers’ car has received such a notice or how often she personally drives the car. However, a spokesperson for Brooks-Powers claimed that she only uses the car “occasionally.” Despite her statement in April that she would “slow down,” the car has continued to receive multiple speeding tickets, including 29 in school zones.

In August, a state law expanded the city’s speed camera program to allow for the automatic issuance of tickets 24/7. Data from the city Department of Transportation shows that this shift has helped discourage reckless driving, with the number of monthly speeding violations issued by the cameras falling by 25% from August to November. Danny Harris, the executive director of the street safety advocacy group Transportation Alternatives, emphasized the importance of responsible driving in order to prevent harm to families. He stated, “Whether you think it’s OK to speed or be distracted, or to turn your attention away from the road, the realities are that families are being impacted forever. Your actions behind the wheel matter.”


Mayor Eric Adams plan “pedestrianize” Fifth Avenue by widening sidewalks and reducing four auto lanes

Pedestrianization of streets can have a number of benefits, including improving safety for pedestrians, encouraging more walking and physical activity, and potentially reducing air pollution and noise. It can also potentially create more space for outdoor dining, retail, and other activities that support local businesses and contribute to the vibrancy of a community.
However, it is important to carefully consider the potential impacts and unintended consequences of any policy change. For example, reducing the number of lanes for automobiles could potentially lead to increased traffic congestion and delays. It is also important to ensure that the needs of all road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, are taken into account and that appropriate accommodations are made.

• Improved safety: Pedestrianization can reduce the number of conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, which can improve safety for both groups. This is particularly important in areas with high pedestrian volumes, such as near schools, parks, and retail areas.
• Health benefits: Walking is a healthy and low-impact form of physical activity. Encouraging more walking by creating a pedestrian-friendly environment can help increase overall physical activity levels, which can have a number of health benefits.
• Environmental benefits: Pedestrianization can potentially reduce air pollution and noise, as vehicles emit less pollution when they are traveling at lower speeds or not traveling at all.
• Economic benefits: Pedestrianization can potentially create more space for outdoor dining, retail, and other activities that support local businesses and contribute to the vibrancy of a community. This can also attract more visitors and tourists to the area.
• Traffic congestion: Reducing the number of lanes for automobiles could potentially lead to increased traffic congestion and delays. It may be necessary to consider alternative routing or transportation options to mitigate these impacts.
• Accessibility: It is important to ensure that pedestrianization does not create barriers or challenges for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues. This may require the implementation of additional accommodations, such as ramps or accessible crossings.
• Emergency response: It is important to consider how pedestrianization may impact the ability of emergency vehicles to access and navigate an area. This may require the implementation of measures such as designated emergency lanes or the ability to temporarily lift pedestrianization restrictions in the event of an emergency.

new tlc lincese

NY: Taxi & Limousine Commission to Issue New Design Taxi Driver License

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) announced in its newsletter that Starting May 18, 2020, it will issue a new design for TLC driver’s licenses. This change It is done to streamline the driver license renewal and application processes, allowing TLC to reduce the time it takes to print and mail a TLC license. In principle, only New York State drivers will be licensed with the new design when their current license expires.

The current TLC driver’s license is still valid. The New York State licensed drivers with current design They will receive a license with the new design when they renew their license. TLC will continue to issue licenses in the current format to non-New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) license holders until further notice.
For more information on the new driver’s license from the TLC, visit the website

Where my stimulus check?: How to can I track the status?

Everyone who is eligible for a economic impact payment , the IRS lets you track the status of your check through its “Get My Payment” web page. Due to high traffic on the IRS page, you may see a message that you have to wait before you can access the site.

Visit the IRS’ Get My Payment page and click on the link Get My Payment button to check the status of your economic impact payment. On the next page about authorized use, click OK.

After access the Get My Payment page, enter your social security number (SSN) or individual tax ID (ITIN), your date of birth on the format suggested, your street address and your ZIP or postal code. Then Tap Continue and that’s it.

Next page will show your payment status, whether it has been scheduled or if the service is still unable to determine your status. If you haven’t set up direct deposit with the IRS, the service can guide you through those steps so that your check is sent directly to your bank account. If you want to know how to set up direct deposit visit the non-filers IRS web page.

Uber, Lyft and FHV Drivers elegible to apply for unemployment Benefits due Covid-19 Crisis.

Due Covid-19 pandemic, all sector of the economic has been affected and the Taxi Services is one of them. Even Though this service have been cataloged as essential service, demand of taxis on New York city has gone down closer 10 percent. Sometime drivers has to wait at least one hour or more to receive a call. Much of Taxi Services companies and Yellow cabs have reduce the quantity of car available for pick up. Many Drivers have embrace “Stay at Home policy” to avoid contagious and cooperate with authorities on this fight against Coronavirus.

In response to the COVID-19 Crisis, Drivers of Uber, Lyft and other FHV will receive benefits for unemployment. This group can start applaying now. Yellow cab lease and owner drivers, benefits will begin after New York State setup a especial program form independent contractors called “Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)”. Such program will grants
and additional $600 above the weekly New York State unemployment rate and you are eligible to receive it every week until July 31st.

  • Apply online at
  • Apply by phone by calling 1-888-209-8124
  • Click here to download a flowchart of the application process
  • Click here for a factsheet from the NYS Department of Labor

Applying for unemployment does not disqualify you from the stimulus check. We will be sharing more information on the latest federal stimulus package in the coming days. If you live out of state but work in New York, you should apply for unemployment in New York state. All rideshare and taxi drivers–even those outside New York–should look into unemployment benefits.

This information was extracted and updated from a email send by TLC External Affairs on April 20, 2020. To keep posted of new updates, please visit New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) website or NYTWA, including when and how to apply, see the resources here.